Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I'm a poetry junkie with a short attention span. I check out books of poetry from the library, and barely look at many of them. I always think that I should find other things to read, just to read something, instead of watching The Simpsons or my roomate's Mr. Show dvds. Which reminds me, I was going to ask if anyone whose reading this could reccomend a novel or something for me to read. Fiction is difficult for me. I would say that one reason I read so much poetry is because I have a short attention span that is better suited to the amount of time it takes to read a poem (a short one anyway). I think that's partly true, but it would also seem to imply that poetry doesn't require attention. It does. Good poetry anyway. One can find language working through all of its aspects. Maybe one reason I love poetry more than any other literature is because it makes words do more than in other kinds of literature. But yeah, someone give me a book to read and I'll read it. I promise.


andy mr. said...

As far as novels go I would recommend anything by David Markson.

Mike Hauser said...

I'll check him out. Thanks.